A downloadable game

Pre-order Now$12.00 USD or more

Esther and the Queens is a Zine Month 2022 project.  This project is currently in production and will be available in Summer 2024. Pre-order now! See the original Kickstarter campaign here!

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Elevator Pitch

"Esther and the Queens" is a Purim-themed Jewish tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) featuring Queen Esther, carnival games, and lots of drama. Inspired by the Firebrands framework and Oceans 8, you will roleplay Esther and fellow queens on a mission to defeat Haman, an advisor to the King who ordered the extermination of all Jewish people. Both Jewish and non-Jewish players will learn about and experience a revolutionary feminist and queer retelling of the Purim story, play carnival games typically seen during Purim, and roleplay dramatic scenes at a masquerade party.


  • A Jewish tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) written by a queer Jewish designer featuring Purim and many of the fun traditions.
  • The game includes a first-of-its-kind feminist and queer retelling of the Megillah/Book of Esther, cowritten by Max Fefer and Noraa Kaplan.
  • A Zine Month project.
  • Follow on Kickstarter! The project will be crowdfunding from February 21, 2022 through March 1, 2022.
  • A “beta version” of the game will be available on Itch.io prior to the start of the crowdfunding (February 21, 2022). 
  • The completed game will be available in physical (full color 5.5”x8.5” zine).and digital (PDF, EPUB, and other formats)formats in August 2022.


You and your squad members are handmaidens to Queen Esther. Your Queen is on a mission to save the Jewish people from Haman and has asked your party to attend the masquerade costume party as Queens from a far off land. Since you are in disguise, no one will know who you truly are.

Esther’s mission for your party is to converse with the nobles at the party and gain their favor. Queen Esther wants the Nobles’ support in her plea to the King to save the Jews and overturn Haman’s decree to kill all the Jews. If Queen Esther gains enough support to build her confidence, she can defeat Haman and approach King Ahasuerus to make him aware of Haman’s heinous decree and save her fellow Jews. King Ahasuerus doesn’t know Esther is Jewish and approaching the King without an invitation is taboo, so having their support increases your odds of gaining an audience with the King and defeating Haman. Queen Esther is also scared to reveal her identity, so you’re here to help her as her squad to build the confidence to face Haman and the King.

At the party, your squad members are pretending to be Queens from far away lands that are friends of Queen Esther. Your presence is a bit of a surprise to partygoers, but you all are the most beautiful and interesting people in the room, so no one seems to mind. Use it to your advantage. Play the games, win raffle tickets, gain favor with the nobles, and prepare for your “battle” with Haman.

Purim MaskPurim Mask

Play Info

  • 3-6 players
  • 3 hours+ in play-time



Game Engine

Inspired by the Firebrands framework, the game uses a series of mini-games and a high-octane unique dice engine to simulate the feeling of winning carnival games. The games included will include some of the following:

  • Playing a Skeeball-like game with your 20-sided dice (or whatever you have lying around the house).
  • Bluffing your way through Blackjack.
  • A fast-paced, high stakes racing competition.
  • A calm and reflective Purim basket making ("Mishloach Manot", a special Purim tradition where food baskets are made for friends, family, and the underserved).
  • An art booth filled with a grogger making station, face paint, costumes, and gossip.

Esther and the Queens will feature an Innovative, high-octane dice collection system.

What makes this game unique?

  • Jewish representation in TTRPGs
  • The game will include a revolutionary retelling of the Book of Esther from a feminist/queer lens. The retelling will be co-written by Max Fefer, the game designer, and Noraa Kaplan, a Talmud scholar. Our commentary will reveal new perspectives on the Purim story, including proof of trans characters, such as Queen Esther and Rabbi Yochanan, that are present throughout the Tanakh and Talmud.
  • An innovative dice engine that is reminiscent of board game mechanics and incorporates the carnival themes of modern Purim celebrations. Games that players will interact and develop creative storylines will include:
    • A Skeeball-like game using a 20-sided dice
    • Blackjack
    • A racing-style mini-game
    • Art station, including facepainting and making groggers (Noisemakers common during Purim)
    • A prize table to buy power-ups and special dice

Joker hat

Joker hat

Who should buy this game?

  • Jewish TTRPG lovers who want to have more Jewish games in their library. If you loved Hanukkah Goblins, I'm sure you'll love this one too.
  • Non-Jewish TTRPG consumers who are interested in Judaism and TTRPGs featuring diversity. Similar to Hanukkah Goblins, this game will be written with sensitivity information throughout so non-Jewish people can authentically engage with the game and learn.
  • At-large Jewish community who likes games (not necessarily TTRPGs) that wants to support a queer/feminist retelling of the Book of Esther. This game will be written with the beginner in mind. Games and the act of "play" are a fantastic way for Jews to interact with our sacred texts. Especially for Purim which has a history of theater and drama, this is a perfect time to learn to play a tabletop roleplaying game.


Retelling through a Feminist/Queer Lens

Esther and the Queens is a special game because it will include a newly-created interpretation of the Purim story through a feminist and queer lens. In the game's foreword or appendix, Max and Noora Kaplan, a Purim scholar, will retell the Purim story in English. Additionally commentary will also provided in the format of a Talmud midrash that engages with the Megillah and rabbinic commentary in the Talmud

Like this tired rabbi, Max and Noora will deeply engage with the Jewish sacred texts to develop our queer/feminist retelling of the Megillah/Book of Esther/Purim story.

Like this tired rabbi, Max and Noora will deeply engage with the Jewish sacred texts to develop our queer/feminist retelling of the Megillah/Book of Esther/Purim story.

Our retelling will highlight the feminism throughout the Megillah and representation of transgender characters in the Megillah. For example, did you know that a close reading of the Megillah and the Talmud reveals that Queen Esther may have been a trans women? And did you know that one of the most famous rabbis in the Talmud, Rabbi Yochanan, is a trans woman? You will learn about this and more through Max and Noraa's commentary.

Project Team

Max Fefer is a queer, non-binary, disabled, Jewish, and award winning game designer and water resources engineer located in El Cerrito, CA. Max's best known game to date is Hanukkah Goblins, a Jewish GMless TTRPG featuring adorable Jewish goblins who are trying to save Hanukkah. Max loves to explore the land and foster a deeper connection with the surrounding world. You can find Max's games at hydroforge.itch.io and follow Max on Twitter (@HydroForge).

Theo Rusmore is a queer, non-binary chemistry PhD student, and forever GM. Theo was the editor of "Hanukkah Goblins". Theo is currently crowdfunding their own project called "Mechs in Motion", a LANCER RPG rules toolkit for dynamic battle scenes.  You can find Theo's games at mrexplorerguy.itch.io and follow Theo on Twitter (@TheChemGM1).


Pre-order Now$12.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $12 USD. You will get access to the following files when they are released:

esther and the queens - Itch.io (2).png

Exclusive content

Support this game at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

Physical Zine

A 8.5"x5.5" physical zine of "Esther and the Queens", cardboard game boards, plenty of dice to play the game, and digital copies of the game. Shipping is not included and will be charged through EasyShip when the project is finished (Summer 2024). 

Pre-order now!


Fill out the form below so I can collect your mailing address! I can't mail you the book without your address.


Please note that shipping is currently unavailable to the following countries  due to COVID-19: Angola, Brunei, Chad, Cuba, French Guinea, Guadeloupe, Laos, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Martinique, Mauritius, Myanmar (Burma), Niger, Panama, Republic of Congo, Reunion (Bourbon), Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Miquelon), Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, and Yemen.

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